No Bake Sales. No Selling Wrapping Paper at your Office. No Memberships.
Just Parents and Teachers working together to make our school the best it can be.
Join us!
What is the PTO?
We are the Parent Teacher Organization, a stand-alone non-profit organization. We are a group of
teachers and parents that, like you, are busy with work and our families. We also have a shared goal of
making our school the best possible place for our children. Many hands make light work, and we have
worked to make this a shared experience of collective talents!
Who can join the PTO?
YOU – our PTO is inclusive of anyone in the William Byrne family that wants to join! The more parents
and teachers get involved, the more we’re able to do. And it’s a great way to meet other families,
Principal Bonneville and our teachers.
Why join the PTO?
The PTO is a great way to learn more about and make a difference at Byrne. In addition to organizing
community-building events, the PTO provides teacher and grade-level grants, supports scholarships and
efforts to collect physical and financial donations, and helps cover costs of programs and resources that
go above and beyond what is funded by the District to enhance our children’s educational experiences.
When you’re part of the PTO, you’re part of a team of dedicated parents and teachers who go above
and beyond to build the school they want for their children.
Questions? Check in with our PTO Co-Presidents, Carla Valadez and Val Amsden: [email protected]
PTO in the PARK at Red Oak Park
*Tuesday, July 9th from 6pm - 8pm (Kona Ice!)
*Wednesday, August 7th 6pm - 8pm (Book Buggie and freezies!)
PTO meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30PM in the William Byrne Cefeteria
Sept 10, Oct 8, Nov 12, Dec 10, Jan 14, Feb 11, Mar 11, Apr 15 (3rd Tuesday), May 13
Other events scheduled will be published and detailed on the William Byrne PTO Facebook page!
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